Authentic Irish Coffee, perfect for after dinner this St. Patrick’s Day!
1½ to 2 oz (45 to 60ml) Irish whiskey, to taste
4 oz (120ml) fresh-brewed Schuil's Fogchaser coffee (Available in Weekends)
1 tablespoon brown sugar
2 oz (60ml) Calder's, very cold (Available in Weekends)
Unsweetened cocoa powder, for garnish
1. Fill the cups with hot water to warm them up.
2. Whip the cold cream until thick, but not stiff; it should still be able to run off of a spoon. Set aside. Tip: The key to success for whipped cream is to keep it very cold, so put your whisk and a stainless steel bowl in the freezer for 10 minutes before.
3. Pour the warm water out of the coffee mugs. Fill ¾ full with coffee, add the brown sugar and stir well until dissolved. Add a few drops of coffee into the whipped cream and stir to combine.
4. Add the whiskey into coffee and stir to combine.
5. Hold a spoon upside down over the coffee, the tip touching the glass edge and the surface of coffee. Gently pour the cream over the back of the spoon, allowing it to gently pool on top of the coffee; filling to the top of the mug. Do not stir. You should obtain a lovely layering that looks like a pint of Guiness!
6. Using a stenciled shamrock, sprinkle cocoa powder over the cream to make a beautiful drawing.
Recipe derived from